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Latino Church Planting


EPC Church Planting is committed to expanding God’s kingdom by establishing and supporting church plants across diverse communities. A core component of our work is the development of effective, empowered leaders who are called to this mission. To meet this need, we are launching Leadership Training Centers in every city where Latino church planting is taking place. These centers offer a rich, contextualized learning experience, focused on theological and biblical training, leadership development, and the creation of a vital learning community. Weekly sessions are held with emerging leaders who are either called to church planting or are actively serving in local churches, all centered around the transformative power of the gospel.

Leadership Training Centers


Bibical Values

Theological Training

Weekly Meetings

Vital Learning Community

Biblical Leadership Principles

Multiplying Model


Meet Rev. Alfredo Forhans

Director of Latino Planting

Alfredo is a Cuban pastor who has dedicated twenty-seven years to pastoral ministry in Cuba, with a particular focus on leading church planting initiatives in the eastern region of his homeland for the last fifteen years. As one of the key figures in the gospel movement in Cuba, he possesses a strong calling for cultivating and multiplying leaders. Alfredo is deeply committed to the gospel and the establishment of new churches, firmly believing that recruiting, training, and multiplying the right leaders are essential for advancing the kingdom of God in this world. He serves as our Director of Latino Planting, where he recruits, mentors and walks alongside all of our Latino church planters. Alfredo now resides in Texas with his wife, children, and grandchildren where he works to spearhead our Latino church planting efforts.

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